Copyright 2019 by Richard Andrew King
All Rights Reserved
Date of Publication: 17 June 2019, Monday

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Your Happiness Number: Part 1


THE MATERIAL SOUL IS THE 2ND NUMBER RELATED TO HAPPINESS AND FULFILLMENT. The Material Soul is simply another layer describing our "material" or "worldly" needs, wants, desires and motivations in contrast to our "primal" desires of our primal Soul energy.

Why the two layers of Soul energies? When an individual is in the womb and the birth name has been created by Divine powers, the Primal Soul is established while waiting to be born as a human. When the individual is born, he/she enters the "material" world via the birth date. Hence, the "Material Soul."

Both the "Soul" and "Material Soul" are valid energies describing one's needs, wants, desires and motivations. When at least one of these Soul Layers finds release through other components of their chart or through another partner, activity or interest, a sense of happiness and/or fulfillment will be established. If both find a connection with their life, all the better.

However, if neither the Soul nor Material Soul can find a vibratory connection in some manner, frustration and unhappiness may result. If this were to happen (and it is not uncommon), one would be wise to realize there is a divine reason for such frustration and take the higher position of divine resignation to the Divine Will of our Creator, commonly known throughout the ages as God.

If we do not find happiness or fulfillment in this world, it can be a good thing because we may then be forced to turn Inward to seek a higher explanation and understanding of life, which would then generate within us a state of happiness and fulfillment, perhaps not in a worldly sense but certainly in a spiritual sense.

In fact, it has been said that when God wants to bring a soul Home, He makes that soul dissatisfied and unhappy with this world so he/she can be free to disconnect from this world and begin their Spiritual Ascent. After all, if we are totally fulfilled and happy in this world, why would we ever think of something higher and better? The fact is, we wouldn't. And in fact, in the forty years of The King's Numerology™ (TKN) no one, not a single soul, has ever queried TKN and asked for an explanation as to why their life was so perfect, so happy, so fulfilled. We all generally seek answers, and God, when we're hurting. It's a clever tactic, but an extremely effective one. Therefore, we should never get overly frustrated with our worldly life but think more deeply about why we are unhappy and unfulfilled. Nothing happens without a reason in this life. Nothing. We just have to look deeper to find answers, and if we are genuinely sincere we will find answers.


The Material Soul is simple to calculate. Simply add the single number of your Soul (see Part 1) to the single number of your Lifepath, which is generated from the day, month and year of your birth. Let's say your Soul number is an 9 and you were born on 6 June 1985. Your Simple Lifepath number would be an 8 (6 + 6 [June] + 1985 = 35: 3 + 5 = 8). When the 9 Soul is added to the 8 Lifepath, the result is an 8 Material Soul (9 + 8 = 17: 1 + 7 = 8). Therefore, your Soul is a 9 and your Material Soul is an 8. Both of these numbers will reveal your personal and worldly needs, wants, desires and motivations. Pretty simple, eh?

If your Lifepath (LP) is a 9, your Soul and Material Soul numbers will be identical because any number added to the 9 always equals that number in reduction. This will result in a concentration of your needs, wants, desires and motivations in one number, one energy. For example, if your LP is 9 and your Soul number is a 3, your Material Soul number will also be a 3 (3 + 9 = 12: 1 + 2 = 3). So it goes for all Lifepath numbers other than the 9. They will generate a Soul and Material Soul number that are different.

When the Soul and Material Soul number are the same, courtesy of the 9 Lifepath, the individual's desires, wants, needs and motivations will be strong and intense because of the internal stacking of one numeric energy. Such an instance will generate a laser focus of one and only one desire energy.

The most potent of all Soul Layers will exist when the Lifepath and Soul are both 9s because this will result in the Material Soul also being a 9. Therefore, the Soul Layers will be ciphered as 9/(9)/9 — an energy of total power and dominance. Individuals with this pattern should be extremely cautious to not let the ambition of their personal desire for power and fame go unchecked because the rebounding karma will have its day in court, so to speak. Note: for more on this issue see Chapter 8: Karma of Power in KARMA: The Definitive Guide to the Supreme Law of this World, currently available in paperback and Kindle formats.

So, what is your Material Soul number and what does it say about your worldly needs, wants, desires and motivations? How about the Material Soul of your family members, parents, siblings, children, friends, partners, associates? When both the Soul and Material Soul numbers are known, a level of understanding can exist which will be unparalleled.

The descriptions of the Soul and Material Soul are the same. They have been duplicated below from Part 1 of this series. Just remember that the Soul identifies our most primal needs while the Material Soul defines our worldly and material needs. Both are critical to understand. Happy learning!

1 Material Soul: Meaning

A fire sign, the 1 Soul focuses primarily on the self, its identity, individuality, independence and sovereignty. The 1 Soul needs, wants, desires and is motivated to be the leader, not the follower; to be the center of attention, not the bystander. 1 Soul individuals also want to be the activator, the instigator, the doer, the hero or heroine; the one who goes first and shows the way; the one who stands alone and solo; the one who is reasonable, logical, original, determined, strong, courageous, valorous, sovereign. He or she simply wants to be first in all they do. 1 Soul individuals are prone to being self-serving, self-absorbed, egocentric, headstrong, even selfish, which can be a negative in their life. They would be wise to remember that although they may wish the world revolved around them, it does not. Being humble is always the antidote to egocentricity.

2 Material Soul: Meaning

The 2 Soul is a water sign and is all about relationship, being the supporter, partner, helper, teammate, advisor, negotiator, counselor, competitor, even adversary (the 2 rules opposites, war and peace). Because the 2 is a water sign, it is emotional and often thinks with its heart, not its head. A 2 Soul does not want to lead but support. They do like power but prefer to be the "power behind the throne," not the one sitting on it. The 2 Soul can be shy, reserved, even docile. It prefers dependence rather than independence like the 1 Soul. Because the 2 governs opposites, a 2 Soul person can be quite adversarial, interfering, resistant, conflictive, indecisive and vacillating. The 2 Soul can turn on a dime and change as easily as the wind. It can be very patient but impatient as well. With the 2, the pendulum definitely swings from pole to pole. Therefore, the 2 Soul person can be cunning, deceitful, duplicitous and difficult to read or understand.

3 Material Soul: Meaning

The 3 energy is an air sign of imagination and exceptional creativity. The 3 Soul is driven by needs, wants, desires and motivations of beauty, pleasure, words, communication, artistic endeavors of all types, fun, friends, joy, health, well-being, children, good times, ease of living, entitlement, image and images. No Soul number desires happiness more than the 3. The 3 Soul individual likes to be friendly, talk a lot, socialize, party, play. Individuals in the media, entertainment industry, music industry and health industry often have a 3 Soul or 3 energy dominate in their chart. Two challenges which may appear in a 3 Soul individual are narcissism and, as aforesaid, entitlement. Vanity is an aspect of self-worship, haughtiness, conceit. Like the 1 Soul, the 3 Soul would be wise to develop a strong sense of humility. Beauty is, after all, only skin deep unless it's beauty of the heart and mind. Beauty is also ephemeral, short-lived, temporary. As the Persian poet Maulana Rum queried: Do you not see how many beautiful faces are buried underneath the earth? As the Carly Simon song You're So Vain also states: You're so vain you probably think this song is about you. Such a statement could easily be a manifestation of a 3 Soul more than any other Soul number.

4 Material Soul: Meaning

A 4 Soul seeks, desires, needs, wants and is motivated by strength, security, structure, stability of all kinds, order, organization, work, service, duty, dependability, constancy, tradition, convention, foundation, rules and laws. An earth sign, the number 4 is symbolized by roots and anchors. No Soul number is more steady than the 4, nor more stubborn, rigid, recalcitrant and immovable. The 4 Soul is common to those individuals who are accountants, engineers, architects, scientists, public servants of all kinds, librarians, builders, contractors, designers. The 4 Soul is not flashy, nor self-centered, dependent or overly gregarious. It is dutiful, solid, constant, strong, determined, organized, and goes by the book! It plods along with an unbending will. Its major challenge is being adaptable, adjustable, malleable. Sometimes, the 4 becomes so anchored and rigid it becomes enslaved by its own strength.

5 Material Soul: Meaning

The 5 Soul exists in direct contrast to the 4 Soul. Known as the Number of Man, the 5 is a fire sign and loves to push the limits of tradition and convention. No Soul number is as adventurous, mercurial, explorative and freedom-loving than the 5. It wants no borders or boundaries, rules or laws. It abhors roots and loves wings. Being ordinary and common is not in its DNA. The 5 Soul seeks to be non-ordinary and uncommon. It lives to be the rebel, the one who breaks the bonds of normality. It loves to be constantly on the go, unbound by anything or anyone limiting its freedom. Change is as intrinsic to it as the wind and weather. It also seeks constant variety and stimulation and gets extremely bored extremely fast. One of the 5's main challenges is that if it does not use wisdom as its wingman, its risk-taking behavior can lead to excess and enslavement. The opposite side of freedom is slavery, and it is not uncommon for the 5 energy to become enslaved by the very object of its freedom-loving desires, e.g., experimentation of drugs leading to addiction or sexual excesses and romantic assignations leading to disease and ignominy. Discipline and self-control are paramount to keeping the 5 energy from running amuck and creating inestimable havoc and trouble.

6 Material Soul: Meaning

Personal love and nurturing in all of its forms — family, friends, community, country and people in general describe the 6 Soul. A water sign, the symbol for the heart is the 6. Of the nine basic numbers 1 through 9, no Soul number is more personally loving than the 6. Indeed, the home is where the 6 heart is. Helping, caring, supporting others, being dutiful, compassionate and patient manifests as the 6 energy. Romance and sexuality exist in the 6's sphere of action, as are beauty and harmony. Many great singers have the 6 dominate in their charts, as does anyone associated with the home and its environment — decorators, landscapers, caretakers, realtors, painters, etc. Teachers, nurses, doctors, dentists and anyone in any profession or occupation where helping and caring for others is key are highly likely to have 6 in their Soul.

7 Material Soul: Meaning

An air sign, the 7 Soul is driven to inquire, to ask questions, to seek truth beyond the norm. The 7 Soul is the most internal of all the Soul numbers. Quiet, reserved, private, retiring, withdrawing and being relatively shy but stately and elegant are all attributes of the 7 Soul — the Master Inquisitor. The 7 loves to think, reflect, analyze, investigate, examine, research and . . . be alone. No number is more solitary and private than the 7. It is not necessarily anti-social. It simply cares more about the inner aspects of life than the outer. On a mundane level it is associated with professions and actions that demand study, critical thinking and analysis — engineers, accountants, scientists, writers, theologians, doctors, teachers, data analysts, information technologists, numerologists and so forth. To be sure, 7 wends within.

8 Material Soul: Meaning

In contrast to the 7's inward action, the 8 Soul is driven to outward action, for the 8 is the most external number of the Alpha Numeric Spectrum (the numbers 1 through 9). The 7 and 8 energies are diametrically opposed, i.e., they move in opposite directions. 8 Soul individuals have needs, wants, desires and motivations involved with social connections and status, interactions, engagements, involvements, commerce, business and leadership on all public levels. Material wealth and success are often important to them. They desire to mix and mingle in society, quite a contrast to the 7 Soul which seeks personal reclusion rather than social inclusion. The 8 Soul individual is often excellent at organizing, coordinating, managing, directing and basically getting involved in causes, projects, organizations, etc. In the ebb and flow of tides, receding tidal action is akin to the 7 energy whereas advancing tidal action reflects 8 energy. Both actions encompass the natural flow of this duality-based creation.

9 Material Soul: Meaning

The number 9 is the Number of Mankind, of all things universal, public, expansive. The 9 Soul, therefore, desires, needs, wants and is motivated to be a part of the big stage of the world. In fact, the word world itself is a 9 energy. The number 9 includes all the basic numbers 1 through 8 within it. The sum of adding 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 + 8 is 36: 3 + 6 = 9. Adding itself (the 9) to 36 generates a 45: 4 + 5 = 9. Therefore, the 9 Soul individual seeks to be with all people, with humanity, with the public. Professions and occupations offering such an expansive condition include education, medicine, entertainment, music, religion, law enforcement, media, acting, etc. — anything that has to do with the public and universal stage. The 9 Soul person often desires to travel, to see the world and to embrace continents, countries, cultures, communities and cities because they're all part of the universal whole. Fame, fortune, notoriety and celebrity fall within the milieu of the 9 Soul, which desires a big life, a public life, a universal life, a powerful life, a dominate life. The symbols for the 9 are the crown, scepter, throne, microphone and camera, which says it all about the 9's motivations and desires. Go Big is the fundamental desire of the 9 Soul. For more on the number 9, read Love, Money, Fortune, Celebrity & the Number 9.

This ends Part 2.




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   Richard Andrew King, Platinum Author

For numerology knowledge, study The King's Book of Numerology series; Your Love Numbers, Destinies of the Rich and Famous, Blueprint of a Princess - Diana Frances Spencer, Queen of Hearts, The Age of the Female - A Thousand Years of Yin, and Parenting Wisdom for the 21st Century - Raising Your Children By Their Numbers To Achieve Their Highest Potential available at Richard Andrew King Books or click on any of the book images below.

For numerology consultations, charts, readings, relationship analysis, children's chart guidance, workshops or speaking engagements

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Other numerologists may refer to themselves as master numerologists,
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Richard, your approach is comprehensive and layered, seemingly leaving no numerical-stone unturned.
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Simply, this work is Immensely useful and actionable! After all, the motivation as to why we engage in Numerology
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