
[copyright 2000 by Richard Andrew King - All Rights Reserved]


Numbers rule the universe.
Everything is arranged according to number and mathematical shape.
        Pythagoras - Greek Philosopher & Mathematician- 580 B.C to 520 B. C.

Numbers are numerical God Codes describing our lives and destines. Numerology is the science of numbers and their relationship to our lives. These numbers, derived from the birthdate and the letters of the birth name, serve as cosmic ciphers or secret codes encasing the hidden facts of our destiny and the components of our self as we journey through this incarnation. They are the tools we will need in order to decipher our life's code and discover the truth of our identity and destiny.

In our study of numerology it is, therefore, the numbers we must address first. We must study them thoroughly and attempt to understand them as much as possible. As we continue in our study, we will increase our knowledge, learn more, and hone our investigative and interpretive skills. Sometimes, however, our impatience gets the better of us and we want to jump right in and begin analyzing charts, discovering secrets, and making forecasts. But this would be putting the cart way before the horse. If we were going to build a building, it would be highly inefficient if we were to simply start building it without any knowledge and understanding of structure, construction, carpentry, plumbing, electrical work, masonry, and all of the tools needed to do the job well. It is axiomatic, therefore, that we begin our study of numerology by building a strong foundation. This we do by first understanding the tools of the trade . . . the numbers.

There are nine basic numbers in numerology. They are '1' through '9'. They may also be called primary numbers because, like primary colors, they are the source of many other 'colors' and combinations of numbers. Additionally, they may also be referred to as simple numbers--numbers composing one digit. Each of these numbers identifies a specific 'vibration' or 'energy field' and possesses qualities distinctive to itself and very different from its neighbor. For example, because '1' and '2' are sequentially close together, it may be assumed they have similar qualities but such is not the case. They are as different as cats and dogs, men and women, night and day.

In numerology there are also compound numbers. All numbers which are not single digit integers are compound numbers. Every number above '9', therefore, is a compound number. These compound numbers form the roots of the nine basic numbers and are extremely important in determining the 'color' of the basic number giving it qualities different from another identical basic number. Every single number 1 through 9 has ten binary or two digit roots. These binaries further color the single number. For example, the number One is a derivative of the following ten binaries (when added together and reduced, the outcome is a One).

10   19   28   37   46   55   64   73   82   91

Notice that 28 is similar to 82 (both are comprised of the simple numbers 2 and 8 focusing on relationship and interaction) but very different from the rest of the binaries and vice versa. Therefore, not all Ones are the same even though all Ones will share common characteristics. This is why it is critical to always analyze the root structures (at least the binary root structures) of single numbers. Differences do exist. In this series, the single number characteristics will be focused upon, and although the binary root structure of each single number will be given, such inclusion is only for consideration. For more details, see The King's Book of Numerology, Volume I, Foundations & Fundamentals.

The number One leads. It goes first. It shows the way. It is the doer; it does and does not follow. Hence, One acts and is decisive. It is the leader, the pioneer, the alchemist, the creator, magician, originator, instigator. One is independent, stands on its own two feet and takes responsibility for itself in its higher expression. One rules the male energy--the yang--and is, therefore, masculine, active, assertive, dominant and self-reliant. It represents the father and the Father, positive energy in motion, courage, will, force and ambition. One is also unique, seeks originality and admires it in others. One represents all things new: beginnings, events, ideas, cycles. It is the number of inception, creation, genesis. All things start in a One vibration.

One also rules the self and the ego. In its lower expression it is the ego-centered, ego-maniacal maniac so consumed with himself that he refuses to see, or simply cannot see, the universe of others around him. In its higher expression, One is the egoless soul which merges with its Creator and becomes Divinely Realized. Thus, in a spiritual sense, One is Divine Union or . . . Oneness.

One is single and separate. It stands apart. In its lowest self, it is the loneliest of all numbers. Yet, in its highest self--in its union with God--it is never alone for in its merging it has become All. Therefore, spiritually speaking, the great lesson of the One is to become the One.

The spiritual lesson of the One is that to become everything, one must first become nothing. God is one, not two, and where the One exists there can never be two. Seek the unity of life and the Divine Spirit. Embrace Oneness.

Keywords for the Number One

The Primal Force, first cause, yang, fire, man, male, masculine, father, self, ego, individual, boss, leader, director, creator, authority figure, pioneer, star, independence, activates, initiates, creates, dominates, leads, attains, driving, strong, courageous, powerful, dynamic, decisive, unbending, steadfast, dominant, linear, single-minded, unique, original, starts, new beginnings, creation, genesis, assertive, aggressive, overbearing, self-indulgent, ego-maniacal, selfish, self-obsessed, tom-boy, rational, reasonable, logical, unemotional.

For a full list of keywords for the Number 1, see  keywords.

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