Quik Power is a trademark of Richard Andrew King
Are you confident in your ability to protect yourself?
The WORLD has changed . . .irrevocably. In today's world personal self-defense, safety and survival are more critical than ever.
The QUIK POWER tm martial art program helps empower you, your employees and loved ones by giving you and them proven self-defense knowledge to build confidence and competence in the realm of personal safety and security, and . . . it gives it to you FAST, to optimize your busy schedule.
With QUIK POWER tm your confidence will grow immediately within the first lesson. You will learn the best of the best power kicks, power strikes, power techniques and tactics necessary to help protect you and keep you safe. You will also learn how to use common, ordinary, everyday implements as powerful, effective, self-defense weapons. In effect, with QUIK POWER tm you will be on your way to becoming powerful, self-assured, confident!
QUIK POWER tm was developed by Kiado-Ryu Grandmaster, Richard King. His four decades of experience cut right to the core of personal self-defense, giving you awesome power to protect yourself quickly and efficiently.
And best of all, QUIK POWER tm is designed to come to you in your office or home to serve you, your employees or family. QUIK POWER tm is excellent for people who travel and want to have confidence in their own ability to protect themselves. Programs are available for individuals or groups. Call now and get the power working for you!
CALL NOW: 949 - 598 - 0152
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copyright 2001 by Richard King