"Don't Forget The Heroes"
is a patriotic, passionate and moving tribute
to those American men and women
who serve and have served the
"Flag of the Free"
and an acknowledgment of all those souls
who have suffered, died and cried
as a result of the Vietnam War.
Download the Full Song for free HERE.

"Don't Forget the Heroes" is a wonderful tribute to all of us who served in Vietnam, both the living and the dead, and the families at home who also paid a price for loving a service member.
   ~ H. Norman Schwarzkopf-General, U.S. Army, Ret.
This CD will mean a great deal to everyone who lost a loved one in Vietnam, and will serve as a poignant reminder to every American that we should never forget those who sacrifice their lives for our country.
   ~ Ross Perot

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Copyright 1999 Richard King